Magnesium Sale-Help you manage Daylight Savings

Finally, we have more light! Daylight savings is upon us. Embracing the longer days ahead can be invigorating, yet the shift in time can indeed be challenging. To ease into this change, consider gradually adjusting your sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up 15 minutes earlier each day leading up to the time change. Additionally, exposure to natural light in the morning can help regulate your internal clock. Engaging in calming activities before bedtime, such as reading or meditating, can also promote restful sleep during this period of transition. Remember, be patient with yourself as your body adapts to the new schedule. By incorporating these tips, you can navigate daylight savings with a sense of ease and grace.

Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in supporting relaxation, promoting better sleep, and reducing stress levels. Incorporating magnesium-rich foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and whole grains into your diet can help improve your overall well-being. Additionally, magnesium supplements are available for those who may have trouble getting enough of this essential mineral through their diet alone. Prioritizing magnesium intake can lead to a more restful night's sleep and a calmer, more relaxed state of mind throughout the day. Remember, taking care of your body and mind is essential for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

not local? click the picture to get some online.

Feel like you might need a little extra help? Magnesium is a wonderful way to help your body ease into a state of rest and digest vs. fight or flight. We put this on our feet before bed, spray on our bodies, or rub the muscle cream in when we are feeling a little stiff. This month, all our Magnesium products are 10% off!

Visit our office located at 120 N. Emerson Ave. in Shelley.

Your POWERFUL body!

In the past twenty-three months, much has been said about Immunity. Our nations have been bombarded ad nauseum with conflicting information regarding this topic. Natural immunity, mRNA vaccines, lockdowns, vaccine passports, human rights, coercion, censorship, Pfizer, Moderna, as well as other companies, have been the staple of conversation across the United States and Canada, and globally.

These have not been easy conversations. Some of them have alienated families, friends, towns, and states, as many government mandates have not made much sense, and seem to have been launched in the face of science. At best, they have been a knee jerk reaction to the threat of sickness. Some have even been politically exploited. I know you’re shocked.

However, in all the hubbub, it appears we have become a little “lost.” Many of you simply don’t know which way to turn. I want you to know you are not alone.

It is abundantly clear, however, most people do not understand Immunity and the role your Immune system plays in your health and wellbeing. And that is why you’re reading my words. Right?

So...What is this Immune thing you are wondering? it is the protective mechanism of your body. It is the system that makes sure you survive at all costs. It wages war with any foreign agent – any bug, germ, virus, or particle that does not belong. Anything that is not part of your body. Is not part of you. Is not you. Is foreign. An outsider. You get the picture. And its task is to annihilate this invader. Remove it. Wipe it out!

Blow it away!

Here's the really cool thing: Your Immune System is under the perfect guidance and direction of your Nervous System. Surprised? Can you see why we are so adamant you get your children and family checked in our office? It is crucial! By now you probably realize your Nervous System controls every part of your being. As I have said umpteen times, your Nervous System controls all of you – even your mental state. This relatively new all-encompassing understanding is referred to as Psychoneuroimmunology. Whew! There’s a huge word for you!